[SCI-FI Engineering Summer Science Camps]
What is the Internet?

Right now, your computer is connected to the Internet. What does that exactly mean?

The INITIAL purpose of the Internet was to keep the Universities linked together during "War Time"! It was supposed to be used by the Military or Armed Forces for information on new technologies developed at Universities.

The CURRENT purpose of the Internet is to post information so that people can access the information.

This information can be either educational or purely for entertainment.

How do people post infomation on the Internet?

What you are looking at right now is a Web Page or a Homepage. For people to post a Homepage on the Internet, they use a language called


This stands for:

Hyper - Text Markup Language

To have a look at an example of this language:
Choose the View option in your menu bar.
Then choose Page Source.

We've spent too much time in one spot!

Click me to continue!

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