Credits Title

Project Team Secwepemc Cultural Education Society

Dolan Paul, Team Leader
Dempsey Edmonds, Researcher
Karen Robbins, Researcher

Travis Marr, Internet Coordinator, SCES

Ken Favrholdt, Project Supervisor and Manager/Curator, Secwepemc Museum and Heritage Park

Thanks to Secwepemc Cultural Education Society and the many other people and organizations for their contributions.

355 Yellowhead Highway, Kamloops BC V2H 1H1


Anto, J., Coupé, R., Douglas, G., Evan, R., Goward, T., Ignace, M., Lloyd, D., Parish, R., Pojar, R., Roberts, A. (1996) Plants of Southern Interior British Columbia. Lone Pine Publishing.

Avis, W., Drysdale, P., Gregg, R., Nuefeldt, V., Scargill, M. (1983) Gage Canadian Dictionary. Gage Publishing Ltd.

Bouchard, R., Kennedy, D. (1979) Shuswap Stories. CommCept Publishing Ltd.

Coffey, J., Goldstrom, E., Gottfriedson, G., Matthew, R., Walton, P. (1990) Shuswap History: The First 100 Years of Contact. Secwepemc Cultural Education Society.

Coles, C., Sasakamoose, R. (1996) A Guide to Using the Museum and Secwepemc Native Heritage Park. Peerless Printer Ltd.

Dawson, George (1871) Notes on the Shuswap People of B.C. pg. 10-11.

Jack, R., Matthew, M., Matthew, R. (1993) Shuswap Community Handbook. Secwepemc Cultural Education Society.

Kuipers, A.H. (1993) English - Shuswap Dictionary. Peeters - Leuven.

Kuipers, A.H. (1974) Shuswap - English Dictionary. Peeters - Leuven.

Lampreau, S., Jules, D. (1987) A Shuswap Book For Kids. Secwepemc Cultural Education Society.

Lampreau, S., Jules, D. (1994) We Are The Shuswap Activity Book. Secwepemc Cultural Education Society.

Manuel, G., Posluns, M. (1974) The Fourth World. Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.

Neel, David. (1992) Our Chiefs and Elders: Words and Photographs of Native Leader. UPC. Press.

Provincal Archives, Provincal Museum. (1952) British Columbia Heritage Series. Our Native Peoples. Series 1, vol. 3. Queens Printer.

Sawyer, D. (1988) Donna Meets Coyote. Secwepemc Cultural Education Society.

Shuswap Cultural Curriculum Management Committee. (1993) Coyote as the Sun and Other Stories. Secwepemc Cultural Education Society.

Teit, J., (1909) The Shuswap, Memoir of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. 1, Pt. 7, New York: G.E. Stechert.

Thomas, M. (1995) Pit Cooking with Kyé7e Asleek and Mally. Secwepemc Cultural Education Society.

Turner, Nancy J. (1998) Plants Technology of First Peoples of B.C. UBC Press in collaboration with the Royal British Columbia Museum.

Turner, Nancy J. (1997) Royal British Columbia Museum Handbook: Plants of Interior First Peoples. UBC Press in collaboration with the Royal British Columbia Museum.

Waters, A., Sawyer, D. (1988) Donna Meets Coyote: Teachers Guide. SecwepemcCultural Education Society


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