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Capacity: The Students Commission's Ability

The Students Commission's mission is accomplished through implementing relevant interactive workshops, hands-on training, and youth- driven conferences. We utilize new communication technology and long-distance learning. We create youth learning resources such as CD-ROMs, web sites, videos, and print guides, networks and partnerships in youth, government, business, and educational communities. Given the repertoire of expertise and experience, we are confident that The Students Commission has the skills and capacity to accomplish this project.

We have worked at the national and international levels on a wide variety of issues and concerns as identified by youth and they have published their reports in both official languages. Youth in our program have produced National Reports and Recommendations on issues of concern to them: Violence, Substance Abuse, Educational Reform, Racism, Western Regional Issues, Issues of Atlantic Canada Use, Issues of Aboriginal Youth, Suicide and Depression, Employment, Child Poverty, Environment, Police/Youth Relations and the Media. We then support youth carrying out projects working at the local and provincial level, independently, with their schools, with their youth groups, with local or provincial youth/youth-serving organizations. We have a decade of experience in running effective youth/adult workshops and conferences.

All of our work and programs are offered in English and French and our reports, publications, videos, CD-ROMs and web sites are released in English and French. We have a Francophone-staffed office in Québec which leads the French programming, and we attract Francophone youth from across Canada. Our other 5 offices (Toronto, St. John's, Vancouver, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, and soon to be a sixth in Halifax) ensures the ongoing presence of local staff to ensure partnership and other local aspects of the program are effective. Our current staff capacity is 28 employees spread across the country. We have strong interests to open a seventh office in Calgary, Alberta and to support the hiring of 3 new teen staff. Our partnership network is strong and in place to be mobilized towards this effort.

We have a very strong interest and capacity in the areas of technology, media and internet-based collaborative working tools. We know that the media and technology are powerful tools for engaging and communicating with youth. We own and operate our own servers, wide area and local area networks, an electronic conferencing system, video conferencing system. We have the capacity internally for video, audio, radio, CD-ROM, print and web site production and the and the processes, courses, tools and staff to engage and train young people in all of the above.