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Invisible gifemployment


  • Employment
  • Discussion
  • Solutions and Job Links

    It was at the 1991, 1992, and 1994 conferences that the issue of youth employment was discussed.

    Employment was also the main issue of the School to Work Transition conference in 2000. Thirty youth from across Canada attended and presented to over 700 adult participants. Many asked why there were only thirty youth that attend, when the issue of education impacted all youth. The youth took a huge step in making a difference by voicing their views and ideas about how important education was for them. During that week the educators were educated by the youth.

    Here is an overview of what the youth discussed from the 1991, 1992 and 1994 conference.



Wherever there's modern life there is the issue of employment. Sometimes however, the issue becomes more of an unemployment issue.

How does employment affect teens?

Well, lately more and more teens are working. What used to be a one day a week job to teach you "the value of money", has turned into a 30 hour a week part time job.

Another growing trend seems to be in the area of small business. Never before have adults and youth had so many opportunities to start up their own businesses. We see young people starting up clothing lines and Internet businesses. The boomers respected a high placement in a well established company, while today's youth respect self accomplishment.

However, things are still changing. The availability of stable full-time jobs is diminishing while everyone seems to be working short part time shifts, that as we all know have no stability or benefits.(Stats Canada)

Being warned to expect at least 7 different professions in their life time (Canada Career Consortium), today's youth can only imagine what the future will holds and at whose expense. The phrase "What do you want to be when you grow up?" is being replaced by "What are you going to study in university, college?" or "What job will you have after high school?"



  • What businesses can you think of that were started by a youth?
  • How many students in your age range have a job? How many hours do they work during the week?
  • Do you know what you're going to do after high school?
  • How many professions have your parents gone through? Others'?
  • How have technological advancements affected employment/unemployment?



  • Improving assessment and counselling and employment services to help Canadians adjust more quickly to changing employment conditions
  • Improving programming that helps adults go from one program to another
  • Improving incentives and support for those that want to start their own business supporting partnerships between governments industry and educators
  • Creating education and training and skills development systems that responds to the needs of the current and future labour markets

Job links for youth