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Who Will Come to the Conference?

Finding Participants

How far you have to search for student delegates depends on what kind of conference it is, but the work load will be much decreased if groups of students through a number of central contacts is invited-that is, a single individual at your school, or at each of the other schools.

SINGLE SCHOOL, one-day conference

  • Ask to make a presentation at a staff meeting
  • Ask teachers who wish their classes to participate to register with you.

REGIONAL, one to three day conference with local and regional schools

  • Students: ask your teacher-advisor or school principal for names and phone numbers of potentially interested teachers in the region.
  • Use your word of mouth, student pipeline to reach students in other schools. Ask student contracts in other schools to find a teacher to act as a coordinator for that school and to give you that teacher's name and phone number.
  • Ask your student council for support and for contact names and phone numbers in other schools.
  • Ask all teachers who wish their students to participate to register with you.

INTERPROVINCIAL, three to six day conference

  • Students: ask your teacher advisor or school principal for names and phone numbers of potentially interested teachers in schools outside your province. Your history teacher might be a good person for contacts.
  • Call the " Capital Youth Embassy " at the National Capital Commission in Ottawa, and we will put you in contact with Student Commisssioners from other provinces whose schools are interested in participating in interprovincial exchanges.
  • Contact suggested teachers to see if they are interested.
  • Send interested teachers your proposal and conference program.
  • Ask all teachers who wish their students to participate to register with you.