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The Students Commission Conference Program

All Students Commission Conferences, large and small, are made up of the same key elements.

  • Open Forum (all delegates present): short panel presentations with questions, comments and discussion from the floor.
  • Discussion teams (ideally 10 to 15 students with a facilitator): discussion of topic and writing of team recommendations.
  • Producing the report involves writing recommendations, presenting recommendations to the group, then discussing and revising them together; preparing a final consensus document.
  • Presenting the report means addressing significant adult authority figures.
  • Implementing ideas means staying involved after the conference.
Sample Six-Day Program

Have you ever wondered what happens at these conferences? The following is an example of how a conference could take place over the six days. The format is basically the same, with different issues and there's always new faces to meet.

Day One

  • Student arrivals and orientation sessions
  • Evening: conference welcome and motivational speaker

Day Two

  • Morning: workshop on "Canadian Youth and the Environment" (issues may change)
  • Afternoon: workshop on "Racism and Conflict Resolution"
  • Evening: student-organized activities

Day Three

  • Mornings: workshop on the Young Offenders Act
  • Afternoon: workshop on "Media and its Role in our Society"
  • Evenings: student-organized activities

Day Four

  • Morning: draft conference report revisions and open Forum.
  • Afternoon: Student Action Panel, " How do we make a difference?"
  • Evening: student-organized activities

Day Five

  • Tour of Canada's Capital
  • Final conference report preparation
  • Evening: dance

Day Six

  • Presentation of final conference report to government and business representatives.
  • Evening: Closing Ceremony

After the conference, individuals and small groups of Student Commissioners may also present the report to their own members of Parliament or to schools and school boards, local service clubs, local and national media, local and national youth organizations government departments concerned with youth.

Taking Action After the Conference

Part of the purpose of a Students Commission Conference is to motivate students and give them the means to take action on issues that are important to them. Student empowerment comes from students finding their voices and having their voices heard. " Making a difference" can be a year-round process!

The conference report can be a tool that students use to communicate their ideas and opinions to adults in their own communities. The recommendations in the report can lead to new group projects and activities.