Information about the Sikh religion: its beliefs
and practices
The Sikhism Network for Sikhs.
Sikhism on SIKHNET. Bringing Sikh People Together! Featuring a
Discussion Forum, Live Gurbani Music, International Sikh Directory,
Matrimonials, Live Chat, Wallpaper for your computer,
Art Gallery, Articles, a Bazaar, and MUCH more!
Sikhnet to share information to Sikhs & others- main elements of the Sikh
religon, Sikh Business Professionals Network-Who' Who, FREE Matrimonials,
Jobs, Gurdwara, Community, Juniors & more
The Sikhism Home Page - Sikhism A progressive religion well ahead of its time
when it was founded over 500 years ago. The Sikh religion today has a
following of over 20 million people worldwide and is ranked as the worlds 5th
largest religion.