George Beirnes - Packer

George Beirnes bought Cataline's pack train in 1913 after Cataline retired and took over the contract for packing supplies to the cabins on the Yukon Telegraph Trail.  He used the Mexican's type of aparejo which was easier on the pack animal's back and could hold at least twice as much as other packs.  Apparently, George had a hard time controlling his men when they came into town after a trip.  They would throw the pack animals' rigging onto the ground without watching where it would land.   Many times they would get covered in mud or manure and over time, would be damaged.  George, therefore, would go through a lot of rigging in one year.

George owned a ranch in the Kispiox Valley, 30 miles south of the first cabin on the Yukon Telegraph Trail.  When Cataline retired, George supplied him with a cabin near Hazelton to spend the rest of his days.

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Hudson Bay Company pack train in Hazelton, 1903
Image Courtesy of BC Archives - Detail of Call #A-05193

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