Alberta: History of Irrigation Districts
Leavitt Irrigation District (L.I.D.)

The Leavitt Irrigation District is comprised of 1,800 hectares of irrigable lands surrounding the town of Cardston, Alberta - Townships 2 and 3, Ranges 25 and 26, West of the Fourth Meridian. The district was organized in 1936. It receives its water supply from the Belly River, through a main canal extension from the Mountain View Irrigation District.

In 1939, PFRA assisted in constructing the main works, by expending $63,000 to bring water through 24 kilometres of canals and a reservoir to the irrigable lands of the district. The district was responsible for constructing the distribution system and irrigation was not undertaken until 1944. During the period 1962 to 1979, the irrigated area averaged between 1,600 and 1,800 hectares each year. Because of the rough topography of the land in the district, most of it is suitable for sprinkler irrigation only.

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