history of Somali Canadians
Somali Settlement Experiences
The Role of Women in the Somali Community
Future Directions
Arts and  Culture of the Somali Commuity
Interactive Quizzes/Questions about the Somali  Community
1. What are Somalis most known for in terms of their culture? 
2. Why did Somalis choose Canada as a new homeland? 
3. How many Somalis fled their country and why? 
4. What year did the Somali civil war begin? 
5. How many Somalis are estimated to be in Canada? 
6. What is the biggest problem that Somalis face in Canada? 
7. What is a convention refugee? 
8. How are Somali women in Canada different from other women in Canada? 
    How are they the same? 
9. How does having refugee status different than having landed immigrant status? 
10. What is the religion of Somalis? 
11. When did the first wave of Somalis arrive in Canada? 
12. Who was the "Mad Mullah"? 
13. What is the name of the capital of Somalia? 
14. What part of Canada do most Somalis live? 
15. Where is Somalia located in Africa? 
16. How is the weather in Somalia different from the one in Canada? 
17. Name a Somali-Canadian artist. 
18. What is henna and how is it important in the Somali culture? 
19. What do Somalis do during the month of Ramadan? 
20. What does "Libaax" mean in English?  
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