history of Somali Canadians
Somali Settlement Experiences
The Role of Women in the Somali Community
Future Directions
Arts and  Culture of the Somali Commuity
Interactive Quizzes/Questions about the Somali  Community
In this section, we will explore the role of Somali Women in the family and their role in the community.   

Traditionally Somali Families have a distinct division of labour between men and women.  Today, women are primarily responsible for the care of children and the household, and make important decisions with their husbands.  For Somali women in Canada who are now without  their husbands, decision making on their own is a new responsibility.  

The pride and honour of Somali families is considered to rest mainly on women.  If a girl is well brought up and maintains her dignity, she reflects well on her family, and conversely, if she behaves poorly she brings them shame.  A girl's behaviour is therefore considered very important and Somali families may be seen as strict by Canadian standards.  

Somali women have never used their husband's surname after marriage because of their culture.  Instead, they carry their father's surname forever.  The children from a Somali marriage will always carry their father's surname.  This  has been the Somali tradition for generations.   

A Somali woman officially uses three names: her own given name, father's name and grandfather's name.  There is no family surname.  In Canada, the father's or grandfather's name is generally taken as the  surname, but in Somalia a husband and wife have different last names, depending on their ancestors' names. 

In the Somali society, women have the right to work, but it is not obligatory for women to work because men have been given the duty of providing for the family. 


Role of Women in the FamilyRole of Women in the Community 
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