history of Somali Canadians
Somali Settlement Experiences
The Role of Women in the Somali Community
Future Directions
Arts and  Culture of the Somali Commuity
Interactive Quizzes/Questions about the Somali  Community
Once upon a time, there was a Rooster who had lost his way home.  As he was standing at the bottom of a big tree, a Fox ran over him.  As soon  as he saw her, he climbed up the big tree.  The fox stood at the bottom of the tree and tried to talk to the rooster,  “ Please rooster came down, I love to hear your beautiful voice and don't be afraid of me" said the Fox.  “ The Rooster screamed "KU KU KU KU KU KU KU !!!!!! I will never trust a Fox in my life”   

“Didn't you hear the new law made by the king of the jungle (Lion) for all wild animals? It says that Hyena can go out with sheep, Fox can talk to chicken/rooster and Zebra can go out with lion" the Fox told the Rooster . The Rooster screamed once more: “Ku Ku Ku Ku Ku Ku Ku.  That is good news, but first we have to wait and see wild animals running to us.  Once they come here , we can play and talk.”  The Fox ran away and said: “ I'm so scared about wild animals, because they might not have heard the new law!!!”  

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