
Given the fact that the Acadian community was poor and isolated, many Acadian students did not have the necessary background to enable them to follow the academic program of the collèges classiques. Because of this, the Fathers continuously worked at restructuring the curriculum to meet the students' needs. In 1930-1931, Fathers Chiasson and Quélo modified the bachelor degree to make it more compatible with courses offered elsewhere at the classical college level.

In preparation for the classical program, two courses were necessary : the commercial program and the preparatory course.

The Faculty

The Eudist Fathers did not always have the pedagogical training required to be competent teachers. Before 1960, faculty had to prepare and correct tests and exams by hand, and without the help of a secretary. The educational method of teaching was authoritarian and the small number of students in each class permitted an exchange of questions and answers between the pupils and their professors.

A chemistry class The Fathers' lounge

The superiors

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