The Curriculum

During the academic year of 1891-1892, the College offered three types of courses. Among them was a commercial course which offered English and French grammar, history, geography, math, and even navigation. On April 30th, 1892, an Act of the Nova Scotia Legislature gave Collège Sainte-Anne the right to bestow bachelor, masters, and doctoral degrees.

In addition to having the juvenate at the College in 1894, Archbishop O'Brien decided to establish an academy at the College. The primary aim of this move was to enable the College to receive funding from the government of Nova Scotia since Digby County at the time did not have the equivalency of a high school. The money was much needed but would this new component, given that instruction would be given in English, compromise the institution's mission of French language higher education for Nova Scotia? Father Blanche could live with this apparent linguistic duality, however his successor, Father Dagnaud felt that the English presence was a menace and he abolished the academy to concentrate on studies at the classic collège level.


During Father Blanche's mandate as Superior of the College, there were twenty-one teachers in all. Included among these were Fathers Cochet, Lebastard, Haquin, LeDoré, Ozanne, Braud, and Méril.

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