Entering Fort Steele Heritage Town
Entering Fort Steele Heritage Town
Entering Fort Steele Heritage Town
Entering Fort Steele Heritage Town

"Deep in the heart of the Canadian Rockies
men came in search of gold ...
and a town was born."

Family Life
Educational Stories
NWMP Stories
Work Stories
Ktunaxa nation Stories
Virtual tour

Back Introduction:

"Moment in Time: Fort Steele - A Historic Metaphor" will allow you to discover a slice of British Columbia's history. Fort Steele became a settlement in 1864 during the Kootenay Gold Rush.

By browsing through stories and viewing photographs of the period between 1864-1898, you will experience life in Fort Steele through the eyes of the early white settlers, the Ktunaxa people and the North West Mounted Police.

We encourage you to click on the icons above and follow the digital storytelling by clicking the photographs and navigational aids on the bottom of the pages. You can also take a virtual tour through the historic site of Fort Steele by navigating through the "Tour" section.