The geomorphology of the St. Lawrence (13 KB) |
Geological provinces of the St. Lawrence (11
KB) |
Topography (Human and Physical) of the Gaspé Peninsula
Region (12 KB) |
Topography (Human and Physical) of the Saguenay / Lac St.
Jean Region (12 KB) |
The climatic regions of the St. Lawrence (7
KB) |
Temperature range of the St. Lawrence region
(7 KB) |
Average temperature in July (7 KB) |
Average temperature in January (6 KB) |
Average snowfalls (8 KB) |
Drainage Basins of the St. Lawrence (9 KB) |
The hydrological cycle (7 KB) |
Average Precipitations (7 KB) |
Mean density of zebra mussels on navigation
buoys, 1991 (5 KB) |
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