Various articles taken from the Ottawa Journal.
Various articles taken from the Ottawa Citizen.

"Ottawa's Great Fair" September 24th, 1888
"New Fat Stock Show Building Collapses" January 25th, 1904
"Story of Start of Exhibition: First President Tells of Beginning" September 9th, 1916
"Was Never a Finer Display of Exhibits in the Canada Central Fair" September 8th, 1919
"Ottawa 'Ex' Cancelled for Duration" July 3rd, 1942
"100,000 Watch Big 'Ex' Parade" August 22nd, 1964
"'Ex' Won't Do Anything About Lack of French" August 27th, 1968
"Ex Director Blasts Demise of Agricultural Exhibits" August 27th, 1971

"CCEA: Stranger in its Own Home" May 1st, 1973
"A Century of Excitement" August 13th, 1988
"Memorable Dates at the Ex" August 13th, 1988