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Saint John, 1604-1904
Saint John, 1604-1904

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  Toronto : W.G. MacFarlane, [1904]
The Falls and Bridges
Harbor Front, St. John
King Square
Queen Square, St. John
Lily Lake From the Look-off, Rockwood Park
A Scene in Rockwood Park
Rockwood Park, St. John
Market Slip, St. John (High Water; Low Water)
St. John and Harbor From Fort Howe
King Street
Reversing Falls Running Down
St. John - The City, Harbor and River in Panorama (Looking East): Estuary of the St. John River, The Reversing Falls, St. John (North End), St. John (West Side), Lancaster Heights
Club House of the Royal Kennebecasis Yacht Club
Fleet of the Royal Kennebecasis Yacht Club on the St. John
Martello Tower
Custom House
Fred Young Monument, King Square
Market Slip
St. John Harbor Mouth; Reversing Falls at Low Tide
I.C.R. Depot; Bank of Montreal; Bank of New Brunswick
Trinity Church; R.C. Cathedral
Dufferin Hotel; Victoria Hotel; Royal Hotel
Reed's Point at High Tide; The Sand Point Docks
Spoon Island From Evandale, St. John River
Tidal Bore, Moncton
Parliament Buildings, Fredericton top
National Gallery of Canada This digital collection was produced with financial assistance from Canada's Digital Collections initiative, Industry Canada.

"Copyright © National Gallery of Canada 2001"

Canada's Digital Collections