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Saint John, 1604-1904
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Page 18 de 35

St. John - The City, Harbor and River in Panorama (Looking East): Estuary of the St. John River, The Reversing Falls, St. John (North End), St. John (West Side), Lancaster Heights

This view, taken from the roof of the Insane Asylum, Lancaster Heights, shows a stretch of river of some five miles from the mouth of the harbor to the Narrows. In the centre of the picture are the Cantilever and Suspension bridges crossing the gorge and rapids of the river. Above are the famous Reversing Falls, which have no counterpart in the world. Further up the river broadens into an estuary, and on the further shore is the north end of the city. Below the bridges is the harbor, on the east side of which lies the southern portion of the city, with the heights of Mount Pleasant and Fort Howe rising to the north. On the opposite side of the harbor is Carleton, rising gently to Lancaster Heights, where stands the Martello Tower - a monument of 1812.

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Musée des beaux-arts du Canada Cette collection numérisée a été produite avec le soutien financier du programme Les Collections numérisées du Canada, Industrie Canada.

"Droit d'auteur © Musée des beaux-arts du Canada 2001"

Les collections numérisées du Canada