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Indian Head
Indian Head, Saskatchewan: a town of pretty gardens and handsome homes

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  Toronto : W.G. MacFarlane for The Prairie Witness, 1907
Grand Ave. Looking north from Union Bank
The Busy Mart. Indian Head's Elevators
The Public School
Grand Ave. Looking South; Woodward Ave. Looking East
The Peltier Block
Osment Block and Opera House
Buxton Street. Looking North; Buxton Street. Looking South
Home of W.M. Douglas. Near Indian Head; Residence of H.H. Campkin. "Home, home, sweet home!"
Lady Minto Hospital
The Methodist Church
The Bishop's Court and St. John Church. "Ye woodbines hanging bonnilie in scented bowers."
Residence of Superintendent MacKay. Experimental Farm. "Glimpses am I shown of groves delectable."
Wheat Field. Experimental Farm. "When Autumn's yellow sickle gilds the world."; Cutting Grass. On Experimental Farm. "In wild meanderings o'er pasture wealth."
Superintendent MacKay's Residence. Dominion Experimental Farm. "Where the hand of fancy... woos our feet. O'er velvet paths and honeysuckle floors."
Ranching Scene. North of Indian Head; Lake Katepwa. North of Indian Head. "Where the eddies lisp and purl round the island's brim."
Avenue of Cottonwoods. Experimental Farm
Breaking the Prairie With Steam Plow; Threshing Scene. The Browns at work
Avenue of Maples. Experimental Farm
Binders at Work. John Boyd's farm, near Indian Head. "All cheering Plenty with her flowing horn, Led yellow Autumn wreathed with nodding corn."; Wheat Field. One mile north of Indian Head. "Upon the gleaming harvest field remote."
"Lo, the Poor Indian!" From the Sioux Reserve; An Indian Pow-Wow; "In Life's Gay Morn" Indian girls at play haut de la page
Musée des beaux-arts du Canada Cette collection numérisée a été produite avec le soutien financier du programme Les Collections numérisées du Canada, Industrie Canada.

"Droit d'auteur © Musée des beaux-arts du Canada 2001"

Les collections numérisées du Canada