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Regina Tornado
Regina tornado June 30, 1912

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  [S.l. : s.n., 1912?]
Victoria Park, before the tornado. Every building shown above was either wholly or partially destroyed.
View showing west side of Victoria Park; buildings reading from left to right are Metropolitan Methodist Church, Y.W.C.A., Methodist Parsonage, Carnegie Library. Donahue Block at extreme right.
Looking south on Lorne Street, showing Y.W.C.A. and Methodist Church.
Scene at the corner of Sixteenth Avenue and Smith Street. Upper story of house was blown from across the street with eight persons in it at the time. All escaped uninjured.
Another view of Sixteenth Avenue and Smith Street. This section is the centre of the City's best residential district.
Y.M.C.A. Building, half of which was destroyed, though fortunately none of the occupants were injured.
Stores lining both sides of Eleventh Avenue were destroyed with most of their contents.
On South Railway Street, the centre of the Carriage and Implement warehouse section.
Immense buildings were overturned as illustrated here.
This shows the awful havoc on the North Side. Wreckage in foreground is that of the C.P.R. freight sheds, while beyond is seen the remnants of warehouses and residences.
One of the storm's freaks. House at the left was completely destroyed while that next door was practically undamaged.
View on Cornwall Street, showing Telephone Exchange building site (in centre) and Donahue Block in background.
All that remains of the C.P.R. Roundhouse, a well built brick structure.
Knox Presbyterian Church and Y.M.C.A. on the north side of Victoria Park.
Lorne street looking south from Victoria Avenue, showing in the right the partially wrecked residence of Hon. Walter Scott, and dome of Parliament buildings in centre background.
The residential section south of Victoria Avenue suffered heavily. Ruins of Judge Lamont's residence shown here.
Frame structures on the north side were broken into millions of pieces, a typical scene in this section of the city.
This illustrates the destruction of residences on Smith Street, remains of residence of H.C. Lawson, Manager Regina Exhibition.
Railway cars, grain elevators and machinery warehouses are indiscriminately jumbled in the scene represented in this illustration.
View from corner of South Railway and Cornwall Streets, wrecked warehouse in foreground.
Lorne street showing the wreck of some of the finest residences in Regina, and a party of rescuers. Top
National Gallery of Canada This digital collection was produced with financial assistance from Canada's Digital Collections initiative, Industry Canada.

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