• 1. You are a correspondent covering an international peace summit where world leaders are negotiating a peace settlement to a major war. Write an account of the summit.

    2. Create an alphabet book documenting problems and challenges confronting the Earth today. For example, a=acid rain, b=the bomb, c=clear cutting, d=dumping, e=environment, f=fighting etc. Illustrate each letter/problem.

    3. Pick one of the following topics and write a poem or song about it: The First World War, Acid Rain, Drinking and Driving, Apartheid, Poverty, Social Injustice, Teen Parenthood.

    4. Keep a journal written in the style or voice of one of the following focusing on an important event in their lives which had an impact on the world's problems. Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela, Queen Elizabeth, Robert Oppenheimer, Leonardo da Vinci, Florence Nightingale, Indira Gandhi, Che Guevera, Madonna.

    5. The year is 2050. Make up a story that describes what life is like in the future. Is the world at peace? Has the hole in the ozone layer filled in? Do people have enough to eat? Has poverty been eradicated? Be a soothsayer. Tell us the future.

    6. You are corresponding with a pen pal who lives in another country. Design a postcard (front and back) showing a drawing or illustration that represents something positive about Canada. For example, Canada is democratic, officially bilingual, has a lot of trees and greenery, is multicultural etc. Fill in the back side too, as if writing a note to a friend in a far-off land.

    7. Pick a topic like the environment, war, nuclear energy, poverty etc., and make a collage using images that represent a particular viewpoint (whatever viewpoint the group decides to take). Include a written description and explanation that relates what the collage represents and means.

    8. Construct a time capsule full of objects that the group feels represent the Earth as it exists today. Include a description of the objects and what they mean. Include too, a message to those living in the future. Describe hopes, aspirations and concerns relating to feelings about the problems and challenges facing our world.

    9. Pretend you are a member of an endangered species (seals, whales, eagles or tigers for example). How do you feel about what is happening to your friends and family? Write a journal or create a collage or scrapbook that describes your feelings.

    10. What is your idea of the perfect planet? Create one from scratch. Will there be cities, or will everyone live in the water? Do not forget climate, what the people, plants and animals look and act like. Create a diorama of an area of your planet and describe why you chose it. Remember to name your planet.

    11. You and your family are the only survivors of a nuclear war. Write a journal describing your feelings and how you began to create a new lives for yourselves. Reflect on the mistakes that humans made that lead to the war, and how you plan to avoid the same errors.