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(The narrator here stated that Indians differed in some of their views regarding Coyote and his work.  Some think Coyote belonged to the earth, like other people.  He was an Indian, but of greater knowledge and power than the others.  Some think he was one of the semi-human ancients. Others think that he did not belong to this world, but to some other sphere, such as the sky or spirit-land.  Still others think he was a kind of deity or chief, or helper of the Chief, before he came to earth.  In the opinion of some Indians, Coyote acted with a purpose, and knew that he had been sent to fulfil a mission.  Others think he did not know, but that his actions were prompted by some other power, and that he did not transform the monsters or perform other acts for the purpose of benefiting mankind.  All agree that he was selected for the mission he performed; but whether he was living in the sky when selected, or on the earth, or elsewhere, is not certain.)

Coyote then travelled on the earth, and did many wonderful things.  He destroyed the powers of all the monsters and evil beings that preyed on the people.  He transformed the good ancients into Indians, and divided them into groups or pairs, and settled them in different places; for the Chief desired the earth to be inhabited everywhere, and not only in a few places. He gave each people a different name and a different language.  These pairs were the ancestors of all the present Indian tribes; and that is why there are so many Indian tribes and languages now, and why Indians live all over the country.  He taught the people how to eat, how to wear clothes, make houses, hunt, fish, etc.  Coyote did a great deal of good, but he did not finish everything properly.  Sometimes he made mistakes; and although he was wise and powerful, he did many foolish things.  He was too fond of playing tricks for his own amusement.  He was also often selfish, boastful, and vain.  He sometimes overreached himself, and occasionally was duped by persons whom he intended to dupe.  He was ugly, and women generally did not like him.  He often used cunning to gain his ends.  He was immortal, and did not die as we die.

Coyote had done nearly everything he could think of, and was travelling from place to place to learn of other things that remained to be done.  Chief looked over the earth, and said, "Coyote has now done almost everything that he is capable of doing.  I will relieve him."  Chief came down, and travelled in the shape of a poor old man.1  He met Coyote, who said to him, " I am Coyote. Who are you? "  Chief answered, "I am Chief of the earth.  It was I who sent you to set the world right."  Coyote said, "No, you never sent me.  I don't know you.  If you are Chief, take that lake and place it yonder." Chief said, "No.  If you are the wonderful Coyote, let me see you do it!" Coyote did it.  Chief said, "Place it back again."  Coyote tried, but could not do it.  He thought this strange.  Chief placed it back.  Coyote said, "Now I know you are Chief."  Chief said, "Your work is finished.  You have travelled far and long, and done much good.  Now, you shall go to where I have prepared a home for you."  Coyote disappeared, and no one knows where he is.

The Chief prepared to leave also.  He said, "I will send messages to earth by the souls of people that reach me, but whose time to die has not come. They will carry messages to you from time to time; and when their souls return to their bodies, they will revive, and tell you their experiences.2  Coyote and myself will not be seen again until the Earth-Woman is very old. Then we shall return to earth, for it will require a new change by that time. Coyote will precede me by some little time; and when you see him, you will know that the time is at hand.  When I return, all the spirits of the dead will accompany me, and after that there will be no spirit-land.  All the people will live together.  Then will the Earth-Woman revert to her natural shape, and live as a mother among her children.  Then will things be made right, and there will be much happiness."

The Earth-Woman is now very old, and even her bones (the rocks) are crumbling away.  Therefore the time cannot be far away when the earth will be transformed again, and when the spirits of the dead will come back.  The Chief has sent messages from time to time.  The Indians have learned from these that to be good, speak good, pray, and dance will hasten the return of Coyote, and therefore the Indians in many places often danced; and when dancing, they prayed much.  Nowadays they pray differently, according as the priests have taught them; and they build churches, and kneel, praying in them.  They do not now dance as they used to do.  The priests say the dancing is unnecessary, and prayers must be as the Chief's son Jesus taught the whites.  Most Indians agree with this, and think it is the same thing.  Some think that the whites may know better about this, because it seems that they have been taught more by the Chief, and may be superior to the Indians in this respect.  The Chief must have sent many wise messages to them.

    1 MAFLD 6 : 48.
    2 People who go into trances are chiefly meant. Many biblical elements appear in this story.


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