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31b. The Hunter and the Goats.
(Lower Uta'mqt.)

Then she lifted his burden of goat-meat on his back, at the same time saying, "If you keep my counsel, even if you carry the meat of an entire goat on your back, it will seem so light to you that you  not know you are carrying anything.

Now they parted, she going home, and he to his father's camp. When he arrived, he roasted the meat for his father, who ate of it. After they had eaten all the meat, the lad gathered all the bones together and wrapped them up carefully. Then he deposited them in a pool of water in which he bathed. Next morning when he washed himself, he missed the nose-bone of the goat. Returning home, he would not eat or talk, because he knew his father had taken it. At night the father put the nose-bone in his son's headband; and when the lad awoke in the morning, he found it there. He was angry at his father, and said, `Why do you thus insult the goats" His father answered, "I only wished to find out if you had learned anything during your sojourn with the goats. I did it to try you." The lad then took the bone to the pool and threw it in beside the others.

Now, his brothers had left their father before the lad's return, and had bone to another part of the mountains to try and find game, so he went in search of them. He found them in their camp, reduced so much by starvation that they were unable to walk. They had found no game, and had become so weak that they could neither hunt nor return home. The lad hunted, and, being successful, fed his brothers on goat-flesh until they had gained strength enough to walk.

Then they all started for their father's camp. On the way they saw a she-goat and kid on a hillside. The lad said he would go to shoot the goat, and told his brothers to travel on towards the camp. He came close to the goats, and was going to shoot them; but the she-goat cried out, "I am your wife. Beware of shooting your wife and child!" He was sorry now for intending to shoot them, and said, "I was too hasty, and forgot your advice." The she-goat went up and embraced him, saying, "Be sure to follow my advice. If you do not do so, it will be worse for you. You nearly shot your child just now. Never think again of shooting a kid. Don't you know they are all your children' Neither attempt to shoot a she-goat. Don't you remember', They are all your wives."

Now the goat and kid went away; and as soon as they were out of sight, a he-goat appeared in sight within easy range. It came near him and stood still. He shot it, and carried the meat to his brothers, whom he soon overtook. His brothers said, "That is not the flesh of the she-goat you went to shoot." He answered, "\'o, she ran away so fast, I was unable to shoot her." Then his brothers said, ' You need not lie to us. We already know about your living with the goats, and that the she-goats are your wives, and the kids your children."


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