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52. The wonderful Boy.
(Lower Uta'mqt.)
After dinner the lad went to work with his companions; and when they returned home in the evening, they found that the old man had revived and gone away.  Next day they followed his bloody tracks, and at last saw that they led to a house from which smoke was issuing. They attacked the house, which had three doors, - an outer, a middle, and an inner door. They broke them all, and, entering, attacked the old man, whom they killed looking around inside the house, they saw three boxes, and a great number human bones and skulls scattered around. These people had been killed by the old man, for he was a cannibal and a robber. They burst open the boxes, and found that one was full of gold, one full of silver, and the other of bank-notes. They took possession of these riches, which they carried home. The lad gave the silver to the young man who had joined him last, and the notes to the other young man, while he kept the gold himself.

On the way back these young men remained at their respective houses, while the lad continued his journey to the place where he had left his father. He found the latter all safe, so they continued their journey to the lodge where his mother lived. They found her starving, therefore the lad bought great quantities of food with his gold. He also erected a magnificent house, in which they took up their abode.



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