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Krisalena Antoine

I am Krisalena Antoine from the Coldwater Band, located West of the Nicola Valley.  I completed two years of Academic Transfer courses at NVIT, and am now going into my fourth year in pursuit of my Bachelor of Education.  I have one more year to go.

I want to teach at a Secondary level, grades 8-10 in either English or Social Studies, with my main focus on First Nations Studies

The Teit Project is priceless. As a Thompson/Okanagan Woman, I feel that the efforts made by Teit in preservation of our Myths, oral traditions, is an integral part to our survival as Interior Salish First Nations people. Not only can we use Teit as a resource of our stories, but we can also validate our existence and our history with the stories recorded by Teit. Without his foresight to preserve this material, I am not sure we would turn other than to our elders, who are disappearing at a rapid pace.

A.J. Aspinall

My First Nations name is Wik'pelks, and I am a member of the Coldwater Band.  My English name is Alana; however, I prefer to be called AJ.  Being the mother of two beautiful children, I can be sure my life will be full of all types of interesting things.  As for my education and future, so long as I am helping people I believe my life will be complete.  One of my life goals is to become an alumni instructor at NVIT.   At this time, I am a Social Work student at NVIT and have been fortunate to receive a Canadian Millennium Scholarship for Excellence.

I have received many benefits from the project.  Along with the technical training in how to build a major website,  I have increased my self-esteem, become aware of capabilities I did not know I possessed, and learned the intricacies and value of teamwork.

Regarding the Teit project itself, I agree with Krisalena.  James Teit's foresight to record our history was and still is invaluable.  Our children will be able to access the history, increase their awareness of the culture, and share their knowledge with following generations.

Armanda McArthur

I am a member of Pheasant Rump First Nations, a small Nakota band in the Southeast corner of Saskatchewan.

What started off as just temporary summer work, turned my goals and interests into a career in the Information Technology field. My work for the Teit project encouraged me and gave me confidence to pursue a career as a First Nations computer technician.  I am currently enrolled in an Aboriginal Information Technology course offered by NVIT.   On top of this, I share in caring for five wonderful children at home in Merritt, BC.

The Teit Project is important to BC's Interior Native people because it helps them identify with their culture through the stories and myths

Robert Ryan

I was born and raised in Prince Rupert, BC.  Matrilineal lineage traces me to Hartly Bay in the Tsimshian Nation.   I currently belong to the Gitwangak Band, located in Northwestern BC along the Skeena River.  I have worked in various fields prior to entering the Aboriginal Community Economic Development program, which is offered in collaboration with Nicola Valley Institute of Technology and Simon Fraser University.  I am in my fourth and final year of the the degree program, and have aspirations of completing my Masters and returning to instruct in the ACED program.

The Teit project was an interesting one to work on.  The skills gained will be of great benefit in my future endeavours, and to some extent are already in use.  One of the really nice things came in learning more about the nation in which I am a guest.  The legends and folklore of a nation will tell much more about the people than mere textbooks will ever do justice.

Olivia Sam

I am a member of Nooaitch band, located between Merritt and Lytton, BC.  I have one beautiful daughter who is almsot a year old.  I am in in my first year of Academic studies at NVIT.

One of my long term goals is to become a lawyer.

My work on the project was brief but interesting.


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