Tom Thomson Memorial Art Gallery

The Gallery logo combines the J.E.H. MacDonald design used to stamp and authenticate Tom Thomson's work after his death in 1917, with a font that reflects the style of the lettering on the Thomson cairn in Algonquin Park within a contemporary design.
The Tom Thomson Memorial Art Gallery's digitized collection and Web site were produced with the support of the following individuals and groups:

The Digitization Team

Graeme Bachiu ~ HTML Programming
A Grade 12 student with a keen interest in videography.

Esther Bui ~ Photography and Miscellaneous Tasks
Attending Hamilton's MacMaster University for Biotechnology and Microbiology with interests in Art, Philosophy and Languages.

Todd Monk ~ Graphic Design, Scanning
A graduate of Georgian College Art Program, Todd specializes in fine details and color.

Ryan Sutherland ~ Photography, Web Design, HTML Programming
An OAC student recently returned from a year in Japan, Ryan has a fine eye for photography and a thorough knowledge of computers.

Kevin Yates ~ Collections Management, Scanning
Kevin is a graduate of the Ontario College of Art who now lives in British Columbia working on film and special effects.

Geoffrey Shea ~ Project Manager
President of Image Business, a Web site design firm in Durham, Ontario.

Gallery Staff

David Huff ~ Research

Maxine McLeod ~ Research and Copy Editor

Kris Rosar ~ Photography Advisor

Liz Zetlin ~ Project Co-ordination


Special thanks to Creative Career Systems of Owen Sound for providing computer facilities and Internet access.

The Gallery's Internet services are generously provided by BMI Internet.

This Web site was produced under contract to Industry Canada.