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Home Canada Digital Collections
Alphabetical Listing (G-K)

Ruby Church

Grand Bank
Fidelity Lodge
George C. Harris House
J.B. Foote House
Stoodley Fishing Stage
The Thorndyke

Grand Falls-Windsor
Harmsworth Hall

Green's Harbour
Loyal Orange Lodge #9

Greenspond Courthouse
Harding House

Hant's Harbour
Custard Head Fishing Premises

Harbour Breton
Sunny Cottage

Harbour Grace
Cathedral of Immaculate Conception
Goodland House
Hampshire Cottage

Harbour Grace (cont.)
Payne House
Ridley Hall
Ridley Offices
St. Paul's Church
Victoria Manor

Heart's Content
Cable Staff House #1
Cable Staff House #2
SUF Lodge #1

Heart's Delight
Reid's General Store

Herring Neck
LOL Lodge #116

Hibb's Cove
Porter House

Hulan House

Joe Batt's Arm
Brett House and Outbuildings

King's Cove
Monks House

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