Transcript of Treaty IT-019/IA-5, (1795)

Source of transcripts for the SchoolNet site:
Indian Treaties and Surrenders: From 1680 to 1890 Vol. I-II. (Ottawa: Brown Chamberlin [Queen's Printer], 1891)
We the undersigned Chiefs of the Chippeway Nation, do in behalf of ourselves
and of our Nation, relinquish and cede to the King of Great Britain the
lands described in the plan subjoined, bounded by a line to be drawn from
the head of Opetiquayawsing to Nottoway Sague Bay, including the harbour of
Penetangushene, running west twenty degrees north or thereabouts and
coloured red.  Provided that goods to the amount of one hundred pounds
Quebec currency shall be given to us at the time of the officers of the
King of Great Britain or any of His subjects taking possession thereof or
bond fide as near as may be practicable to such an event, when we promise
for ourselves and for our Nation to ratify the cession aforesaid, by a due
and regular deed of conveyance.  Done at York, in the Province of Upper
Canada, this nineteenth day of May, one thousand seven hundred and

Lieut.2nd Regt. CHABONDASHEAM,
GEO. Cown. Kuwaycamekeshcam,
Witnesses on the part of the Province (totem.)
of Upper Canada : (totem.)
ALEX. AIKEN, D. Sy'r.U.C. NINGASAM, (totem.)