National Archives of Canada, RG 10, volume 1841, IT 035

1. Government Archives Division (GAD) reference number: IT 035
2. Indian Affairs' consecutive number:11
3. Alternative Designation:N/A
4. RG 10 volume number:1841
5. Province(s):Ont.
6. Date:June 30, 1798
7. a) Aboriginal people(s): Chippawa Nation of Indians
b) Aboriginal individuals: Meatoosawkee and others
8. Other party(ies): Alexander McKee, DSGIA for King George III
9. Type of document: Surrender of land and extinguishment of title - Docket titles: "Deed of Conveyance"
"Provisional Agreement"
10. Specific purpose(s): Surrender or release of land in consideration of the sum of 1200 pounds Quebec currency in value of goods
11. Land involved: Island of St. Joseph situated in the strait joining Lakes Huron and Superior being approximately 120 miles in circumference including all woods and water lying thereon
12. Form: Manuscript original or duplicate
13. Contents:
2 sheets; both 48 x 38 cm (19" x 12");; p. 1-4
p. 1text 1
p. 2text 2
p. 3text 3
p. 4text and docket 4
14. Maps:N/A
15. Special Features: - 8 seals covered p. 1-2,
-9 totems on p. 1-2
-2 totems on p. 4
-main text of document is
written within a border
16. Remarks:Tissue laminated
- document was originally one sheet
but it probably tore along the horizontal fold
line and now sheet one is the top portion
and sheet two is the bottom portion
- one totem is divided on each
sheet, p. 1-2
- edges torn, worn and small pieces
- top left corner missing
a) NA/GAD/RG 10: IT 036 - original duplicate

b) Indian Treaties & Surrenders (Coles' 1971 Reprint):Vol. I, p. 27-29