National Archives of Canada, RG 10, volume 1846

1. Government Archives Division (GAD) reference number: IT 237
2. Indian Affairs' consecutive number: 94
3. Alternative Designation:N/A
4. RG 10 volume number: 1846
5. Province(s):Ont.
6. Date:October 6, 1862
7. a) Aboriginal people(s): "Ottawa, Chippewa and other Indians occupying the said Island"
b) Aboriginal individuals: Maisheguong-gai, Okemah-be-ness, J.B. Assiginock, Benjamin Assiginock, Nai-be-nesse- me, She-ne-tah-guw, George Ah-be-tos-o-mai, Paim-o-quo-naish-gung, Abence, Tai-bose-gai, A-to-nish-cosh,Nai-wau-dai-ge-zhik, Wau-kau- o-say, Keesh-kewanbik
8. Other party(ies): Hon. William McDougall, Superintendent General for Indian Affairs and William Spragge, Deputy Suerintendent for Indian Affairs on behalf of the Crown and the Government of the Province of Canada
9. Type of document: Surrender of land
10. Specific purpose(s): Surrender of lands in consideration of a payment of 700 dollars
11. Land involved: "Great Manitoulin Island" and the islands adjacent to it
12. Form:Manuscript original
13. Contents:
Three sheets; 70 x 60 cm (27-1/2" x 231/2"); p.- 1-6
p. ltext1
p. 2blank-
p. 3text2
p. 4blank-
p. 5text3
p. 6docket title4
14. Maps: N/A
15. Special Features: - parchment
- 16 totems
- 13 small red wax seals, cracked with
pieces missing situated on top of 13
pieces of pinkish ribbon (which are
visible on p.6)
- one large red wax seal on pink ribbon
situated on a odd shaped piece of
parchment folded into an odd
triangular shape, probably used to
cover top left corner of sheets and
bind them together
- red ink underlining on certification
notation on the left edge of p.l
16. Remarks: -sheet one is yellowed, others sheets
have scattered areas of yellowing
-scattered ink spots and smears
a) NA/GAD/RG 10: IT 238 - Copy of Order in council
b) Indian Treaties and Surrenders (Coles' 1971 Reprint): Vol. I, p. 235-238