National Archives of Canada, RG 10, volume 1846, IT 255

1. Government Archives Division (GAD) reference number:IT 255
2. Indian Affairs' consecutive number: 124
3. Alternative Designation:Western Treaty No. 1
4. RG 10 volume number: 1846
5. Province(s): Man.
6. Date:August 3, 1871
7. a) Aboriginal people(s): Chippewa and Swampy Cree Tribes of Indians
b) Aboriginal individuals: Mis-koo-kenew (Red Eagle or Henry Prince); Ka- Ka-ke-ka-penais (Bird forever, William Pennefather); Na-sha-ke-penais (Flying down Bird); Na-na-wa- nanaw (Centre of Birds Tail); Kewe-tayash (Flying round); Wa-ko-wush (Whippoorwill); Oo-za-we-kwun (Yellow Quill)
8. Other party(ies): Commissioner Wemyss M. Simpson for Queen Victoria
9. Type of document: Treaty involving extinguishment of aboriginal title and surrender of land
10. Specific purpose(s): Surrender of land in consideration of reserves to be laid out in proportion to 160 acres, per family of five plus additional land surrounding the reserve, $3.00 per person, schools etc. - See document
11. Land involved: From the International border near Lake of the Woods, north through the southern portion of Lake Winnipeg and southwesterly to the International border - See document
12. Form:Manuscript original
13. Contents:
four sheets; 49 x 61 cm (19-1/2" x 24"); p. 1-8
p. l text 1
p. 2 blank -
p. 3 text 2
p. 4 blank -
p. 5 text 3
p. 6 blank -
p. 7 text 4
p. 8 docket title, etc. 5
14. Maps: N/A
15. Special Features: - two red wax seals on left edge of
p. 1, one seal located on a loop of
narrow purple ribbon
- one piece of purple ribbon on p. 8
probably used to bind sheets together
- remains of a red wax seal on p. 7
opposite Simpson's signature
16. Remarks: Tissue laminated
- two brown stains on p. 1, opposite
wax seals
- one brown stain on p. 6 opposite wax
seal on p. 7
- lamination cracked on three sheets
- holes in all sheets randomly located
- edges torn and pieces missing
- lamination is torn on all sheets
a) NA/GAD/RG 10:IT 256 - "Outside Promises"
IT 257 - Selkirk Treaty
IT 258 - Map (c.1817)
IT 259 - Map (c.1871)
b) Indian Treaties and Surrenders (Coles' 1971 Reprint): Vol. I, p. 282-284