National Archives of Canada, RG 10, volume 1846, IT 257

1. Government Archives Division (GAD) reference number:IT 257
2. Indian Affairs' consecutive number: 124(l)
3. Alternative Designation:Selkirk Treaty, Western Treaty No.1
4. RG 10 volume number: 1846
5. Province(s): Man.
6. Date:July 8, 1817
7. a) Aboriginal people(s): "Chippeway or Sautaux nation, and of the Killistine or Cree Nation"
b) Aboriginal individuals:Matchie Whewab (Le Sonnant), Mechtadettinnah (La Robe Noire), Kayaguskebinoa (L'Homme Noir) Pegwiss, Ouckidoat (Premier)
8. Other party(ies): Rt.Hon.Thomas Earl of Selkirk for King George III
9. Type of document: Treaty involving extinguishment of aboriginal title and surrender of land - Docket titles: "Indian Deed"
"Provisional Agreement"
10. Specific purpose(s): Surrender of land in consideration of an annual payment of tobacco
11. Land involved: "all that tract of land adjacent to Red River and Assiniboyne River" between the mouth of the Red River and the forks at the mouth of the Red Lake River "and along the Assiniboyne River as far as the Muskrat River" See document
12. Form:Manuscript original
13. Contents:
One sheet; 38 x 32 cm (15" x 12-1/2") p. 1-2
One sheet; 21 x 34 cm (8-1/2" x 13-1/2") p. 3-4
p. ltext 1
p. 2docket title 2
p. 3blank -
p. 4docket title 3
14. Maps: N/A
15. Special Features:- four totems
16. Remarks: Tissue laminated
- sheets are different sizes and
colours (possibly put together later)
a) NA/GAD/RG 10: IT 255 - Western Treaty No. 1
IT 256 - "Outside Promises"
IT 258 - Map (c.1817)
IT 259 - Map (c.1871)
b) Indian Treaties and Surrenders (Coles' 1971 Reprint):Vol. I, p. 285-286