National Archives of Canada, RG 10, volume 1846, IT 278

1. Government Archives Division (GAD) reference number: IT 278
2. Indian Affairs' consecutive number: 137
3. Alternative Designation: N/A
4. RG 10 volume number: 1846
5. Province(s): P.E.I.
6. Date: April 7,1859
7. a) Aboriginal people(s): N/A
b) Aboriginal individuals: N/A
8. Other party(ies): Between John Aldons , the Commissioner of Public Land, and Henry Palmer and Theophilus Stewart, Indian Commissioners of P.E.I.
9. Type of document: Land sale - Docket titles: "Government to Indian Commissioners. Copy of Conveyance of 204 Acres of land on Lot 39, P. E. Island"
"Provisional Agreement"
10. Specific purpose(s): The release of a parcel of land, probably to be used for an Indian Reserve as indicated on the map, in consideration of a one time payment of one shilling to J. Aldons
11. Land involved: Lot or Township number 39, P.E.I. containing 204 acres fronting on the Novell River - See document
12. Form:Printed with manuscript additions - "True and correct transcript" dated Feb 24, 1874
13. Contents:
One sheet; 43 x 55 cm (17" x 22') p.1-2
p.ltext 1
p.2docket title, etc. 2
14. Maps:left side of p.l
15 x 17 cm (6" x 6-1/2")
- coloured with yellow and blue
15. Special Features:- coloured map
- large printed crest
16. Remarks: Tissue laminated
- hole in upper left corner
- fold lines yellowed, torn
- right edge dirty and worn
a) NA/GAD/RG 10: IT 278 - Adhesion - 24 February 1874
IT 017 - Original surrender agreement
IT 018 - Map
IT 020 - Copy of provisional agreement
b) Indian Treaties and Surrenders (Coles' 1971 Reprint):Vol. I, p. 16-17
18. Microfilm reel: T-9939