National Archives of Canada, RG 10, volume 1851, IT 413

1. Government Archives Division (GAD) reference number: IT 413
2. Indian Affairs' consecutive number: 419
3. Alternative Designation:N/A
4. RG 10 volume number: 1851
5. Province(s): B.C.
6. Date:December 1, 1898
7. a) Aboriginal people(s): Band of Katsey Indians
b) Aboriginal individuals: N/A
8. Other party(ies): Between John Hammond and Frances Gertrude Hammond, and "Queen Victoria in right of the Dominion of Canada"
9. Type of document: Land Grant - Docket titles: "Deed of Land"
"Provisional Agreement"
10. Specific purpose(s): A release of land to the Crown in consideration of a payment of 100.00 to be held in trust for the Indians
11. Land involved: 1 acre of land on the north west corner of lot 279, Group 1, New Westminster District
12. Form: Printed with manuscript additions- original
13. Contents:
One sheet folded in half = two leaves; each
leaf 25 x 39 cm (10" x 15") ; p. 1-4

One sheet; 21 x 16 cm (8" x 6-1/2") ; p.
5,6 attached to p.3
p. 1text 1
p. 2text 2
p. 3text 2
p. 4text, docket title 3
p. 5text 4
p. 6blank -
14. Maps: N/A
15. Special Features: -Two red circular paper seals on p. 3
- One orange circular paper seal on p. 4
- One green circular paper seal on p. 5
- p. 5,6 blue paper
16. Remarks: Tissue laminated on p. 5-6
- scotch tape along horizontal centre
fold line and upper fold line
- ink smear lower outside corners of
p. 2 and 3
- edges worn
a) NA/GAD/RG 10
b) Indian Treaties and Surrenders (Coles' 1971 Reprint):Vol. III, p. 274-275