Transcript of Treaty IT-413/IA-419, (1898)

Source of transcripts for the SchoolNet site:
Indian Treaties and Surrenders: From No. 281 to No. 483 Vol. III (Ottawa: C.H. Parmelee [King's Printer], 1912).

Made in duplicate the First day of December in the year of our Lord one  
thousand eight hundred and ninety eight IN PURSUANCE OF THE REAL  
Between John Hammond of the District of New Westminster in the  
Province of British Columbia, Fruit Grower, and Frances Gertrude  
Hammond of the City of Victoria in the said Province, widow of the late  
William Hammond (hereinafter called the Grantor) of the one part and Her  
Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria in right of the Dominion of Canada  
(hereinafter called the Grantee) of the other part  
WITNESSETH, that, in consideration of one hundred dollars of lawful  
money of Canada now paid by the said Grantee to the said Grantors (the  
receipt whereof is hereby by them acknowledged) they the said Grantors  
Do Grant, Release, and Surrender unto the said Grantee her heirs and  
successors FOR EVER: in right of the Dominion of Canada, ALL AND  
SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying  
and being in the said District of New Westminster which said lands and  
premises may be more particularly described as follows, that is to say  
Commencing at the North West corner post of Lot Two hundred and seventy  
nine (279) Group One (1) New Westminster District and running thence  
East a distance of One chain and twenty five links thence South a distance  
of Eight chains thence West a distance of One chain and twenty five links  
thence North a distance of Eight chains to the place of beginning  
Containing by admeasurement one acre of land  
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said grantee her heirs and successors  
to and for her and their sole and only use forever: in trust for the Band of  
Katsey Indians, British Columbia SUBJECT NEVERTHELESS to the  
reservations, limitations, provisoes, and conditions expressed in the  
original grant thereof from the Crown.  
THE said Grantors Covenant with the said Grantee that they have the  
right to convey the said lands to the said Grantee notwithstanding any act  
of the said Grantor and the said Grantee shall have quiet possession  
of the said lands, free from all incumbranes.  
AND the said Grantors Covenant with the said Grantee that they will  
execute such further assurances of the lands as may be requisite.  
AND the said Grantors Covenant with the said Grantee that they have  
done no acts to encumber the said lands.  
AND the said Grantors RELEASE to the said Grantee ALL their claims  
upon the said lands.  
   IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said parties hereto have hereunto set their  
hands and seals.  
                                            JOHN HAMMOND             [L.S]  
SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED            France Gertrude Hmmond   [L.S.]  
in the presence of                          by her attorney in fact  
    W.  G. CLAPCOTT                             W .H. MASON  
       Hammond B.C. 
    Frances Gertrude Hammond by her  
    attorney in fact William Henry Mason  
    in the presence of  
      A.ST. G. FLINT 
        Victoria B. C.  
RECEIVED from the above named Grantee the sum of One hundred Dollars,  
being the full consideration above expressed to be paid.  
WITNESS:                          John Hammond         [L.S.]  
    W.G. Clapcott                                                                    [L.S.]  
As to F.G. Hammond                  France Gertrude Hammond by her  
        her attorney W.H. Mason         attorney in fact  
          A. St. G. Flint                 W.H. Mason  
[L.S.]      Victoria, B.C.   
                             LAND REGISTRY ACT.  
                              For Attorney.  
I HEREBY CERTIFY that William Henry Mason personally known to me  
appeared before me and acknowledged to me that he is the person who  
subscribed the name of Frances Gertrude Hammond to the annexed  
Instrument as the maker thereof, that the said Frances Gertrude Hammond  
is the person mentioned in the said Instrument as the maker thereof, that  
said William Henry Mason knows the contents of the said Instrument, and  
subscribed the name of Frances Gertrude Hammond voluntarily as the free  
act and deed of the said Frances Gertrude Hammand and that she is of the  
full age of twenty one years   
                            IN TESTIMONY whereof, I have hereto set my  
                            Hand and Seal of office, at Victoria B.C., this  
                            seventeenth day of March, in the year of Our  
                            Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine  
[L.S.]                                    A. St. G. FLINT  
                                             Notary Public  
                                              in and for the Province of  
                                                         British Columbia  

                                         FOR WITNESS.   
I HEREBY CERTIFY that W. G. Clapeott personally known to me, appeared  
before me and acknowledged to me that be is the person whose name is  
subscribed to the annexed Instrument as witness, and that be is of the age  
of sixteen years, and having been duly sworn by me did prove to me that  
John Hammond did execute the same in his presence voluntarily.  
                            IN TESTIMONY whereof I have hereto set my  
                            hand and Seal of Office at Hammond, B.C., this 
                            twenty seventh day of December in the year of  
                            Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-  
                                                    JOHN LAITY J.P.  