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Canada's Role in Fighting Tuberculosis

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Site Credits



Credit The Team Works Cited

Credit Due:

Canada's Role in Fighting Tuberculosis was developed at the Saskatchewan Lung Association, and included input from the nine other provincial Lung Associations, as well as considerable input from the Canadian Lung Association office in Ottawa. Much of the site’s content was found in Dr. GJ Wherrett’s book "The Empty Beds", which is the most comprehensive story of TB in Canada, and the only remaining record of many events.

I would like to thank those who contributed materials to the project, and those who took time to read the manuscript. Specifically, thank you Dr. Hershfield for your review and multiple contributions to the content of the website, without which we missed a good 20 years history. Thank you Dr. Hoeppner for loaning us materials that were critical to the development of the section describing how TB is fought today. Thank-you Dr. D.B. Stewart for sending your book, which tells the Manitoba story very well.


The Team:

Gordon Holtslander (Team Leader)

As Director of Development and Information Technology at the Saskatchewan Lung Association, Gord was ultimately responsible for supervision of this project. As the only team member who knew anything about TB in the beginning, Gord provided support and direction that was essential. Gord gave us the freedom to come up with our own website, yet still made the hard decisions when we asked him to.

Darrell Lagasse (Multimedia Assistant)

Darrell’s primary role in this project was in programming interactive media. He spent countless hours transforming hundreds of lines of code into the current display, and tweaking the design to satisfy everyone’s nitpicking. With the exception of the drug resistance game, Darrell is responsible for all the Javascript programming on the site. At the beginning of the project, Darrell also helped in the research of TB and in scanning both text and graphics for use on the website. He also helped in design and enabled us to turn the design into HTML code.

Verna Loewen (Multimedia Assistant)

Verna joined us near the end of the project and helped in the final editing of the site. She spent time adding meta-tags and footers to the HMTL, and other monotonous tasks—sometimes twice, without complaining. Verna has also worked on other Digital Collections, such as the Saskatchewan News Index.

Scott Rutherford (Project Manager)

After making his way through 50 years of the Valley Echo volumes, Scott worked with Darrell to scan and edit content for the site, writing some of his own as he went. His other duties included preparing the scanned pictures for web presentation, creation of original graphics, keeping things on schedule, and proselytizing everyone to the use of Notepad for coding and Paint Shop for graphics.

Works Cited:

  • For a list of images used on the website, and their sources, see the Image Catalog.
  • For a list of print/reference materials used on the site, see the Bibliography.
digital collections