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  Human Impact of Tuberculosis

 Facts from the World Health Organization

-More people are dying of TB today than ever before.

- TB kills 8,000 people a day – that is 2-3 million people each year. It kills more people than either AIDS or malaria. In fact TB is the biggest killer of young people and adults in the world today.

- One third of the world’s population is infected with TB. If you are sick with TB you are likely to infect another 10 to 15 people in just one year.

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TB and HIV

- TB accounts for one third of AIDS deaths worldwide. It is the biggest killer of people who are HIV-positive.

- If you are HIV-positive, you are 30 times more likely to get sick with TB once infected.

TB and women

- TB is the single biggest killer of young women.

- Over one million women will die needlessly from TB this year.

TB and children

- Over 100,000 children will die needlessly from TB this year.

- Hundreds of thousands of children will become TB orphans this year.

TB and refugees

- As many as half of the world’s refugees may be infected with TB.

Each year, over 17,000 refugees get sick with the disease.

-- from the World Health Organization, 1999