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  Human Impact of Tuberculosis


The mortality rate for TB in Canada was approximately 200 per 100,000 in 1880, and perhaps a little higher than this by 1900. From 1900, however, when organized efforts to control the disease began to be made, the rate began to fall. Reports from the Canadian Tuberculosis Association indicate that in 1901 the population of Canada was 5,371,315 and there were 9709 deaths from tuberculosis, a rate of 180 per 100,000, and that in 1908 the population was 6,500,000, the number of deaths 11,700, and the mortality rate 165 per 100,000. The first reliable national statistics for Canada are from 1926, by which time the death rate had apparently fallen to 84 per 100,000 people. This meant that one death in 13 was from TB, which was still one step worse than cancer at that time.

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Today, only one percent of deaths in Canada result from infectious diseases, and only a portion of these are attributable to tuberculosis. However, since the mid-1980s, we have seen the mortality rates due to TB level off—that is, it has stopped decreasing.