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  Time Line of TB in Canada

 1947 - Dr. Frappier and Dr. R Guy Introduce Cuti-BCG Allergy Test

In 1947 Dr Frappier and Dr R. Guy introduced the Cuti-BCG allergy test, which they believed to be a more rapid and sensitive test than the tuberculin tests which were and still are commonly employed. The test consists of making one scratch across a drop of BCG liquid at a concentration of 50 mg/ml. Cuti-BCG has the advantage of requiring no syringe, no sterilization of instruments, no dilution, and no special care over preservation of the antigen. No palpitation of the skin is necessary in observing the reaction to the test, and quantitative results are observed after twenty-four hours. The test has been used in Quebec and Newfoundland since 1949, but was not widely adopted in other parts of Canada. Tuberculin testing is still instrumental in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in Canada and around the world. -- modified from Wherrett, in The Miracle of the Empty Beds, 1977.

One method of the tuberculin skin test--small, disposable pins were used to inject the reactant under the surface of the skin.
