June 28, 1914
Archduke Francis Ferdinand heir to the Austria-Hungary throne and his wife are assassinated by a Serbian Nationalist in Sarejevo.

July 28, 1914
Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.

July 29, 1914
Russia begins to mobilize troops.

August 1, 1914
Germany declares war on Russia

August 3, 1914
Germany declares war on France

August 4, 1914
Great Britain joins in aid of France and declares war. Canada must follow suit and joins the British in the war effort.

August 6, 1914
Austria-Hungary at war with Russia

August 7, 1914
Great Britain lands its Expeditionary Force in France to defend against the German offensive.

August 19, 1914
Canadian Parliament authorises the raising of an expeditionary force to send overseas. Valcartier Camp is constructed to give basic training to new recruits.

August 23, 1914
Japan declares war on Germany and attacks Tsingtau.

October 14, 1914
Canadian Expeditionary Force of 32,000 men land at Plymouth, England, to prepare for fighting at the Front.

April 22, 1915
Poison gas used for the first time by Germans in an attack on Canadian soldiers at Ypres.

April 23, 1915
Italy declares war on Austria and invades creating another battle front.

October 13, 1915
German Zeppelins bomb London killing 55 people and injuring more.

December 15, 1915
General Sir Douglas Haig takes Field Marshal Sir John French's position as Commander-in Chief of the British Forces in France. This also gave him control of the Canadian Forces in Europe.

February 21, 1916
Battle of Verdun commences and French soldiers take heavy losses.

April 19, 1916
President Wilson, of the U.S.A., publicly calls for the German's to stop their submarine policy of sinking all ships in enemy waters without warning.

July 1, 1916
The Somme offensive begins with 100,000 soldiers attacking out of the trenches. The British army takes its worst losses in history.

February 3, 1917
The United States, which has not yet entered the war, severs diplomatic relations with Germany.

April 6, 1917
The United States comes out of neutrality and declares war on Germany, joining the Allied effort.

April 13, 1917
Canadian troops take Vimy Ridge and the surrounding area in one of Canada's finest battles of the war.

July 31, 1917
The Third Battle of Ypres, Passchendaele, commences with a huge artillery barrage.

August 8, 1917
Canadian Conscription Bill passes the third reading in the Senate.

August 8, 1917
Canadian House of Commons passes the Compulsory Military Service Bill ending the promise of no conscription made by Prime Minister Borden.

October 12, 1917
Sir Robert Borden wins Canadian election with a coalition government and is returned for another term in office.

November 6, 1917
Passchendaele is captured by the Canadians after months of hard fought battle.

November 21, 1917
Tanks play their first major role in battle at Cambrai. Tanks were soon to replace cavalry as a major offensive weapon.

December 15, 1917
Armistice is signed between Germany and Russia.

April 22, 1918
Baron Von Richthofen, German ace known as the 'Red Baron', is shot down by a Canadian pilot.

April 29, 1918
General Foch is chosen as Commander-in-Chief of the entire Allied force.

June 28, 1919
The Treaty of Versailles is signed in the Hall of Mirrors at Versaille, officially ending the Great War.

June 23, 1911
King George V is crowned at Westminster Abbey.

April 15, 1912
The 'unsinkable' ship Titanic sinks in the North Atlantic after striking an iceberg drowning 1595 people.

January 1, 1913
Albert Schweitzer opens his famous hospital in Lambaréné, French Congo.

January 1, 1913
Neils Bohr and Ernest Rutherford develop the Bohr-Rutherford theory of atomic structure.

February 10, 1913
Explorer Robert F. Scott is found dead after reaching the south pole.

October 7, 1913
Henry Ford constructs the first assembly line automobile factory. Workers receive an unprecedented $5/hour and work only 8 hour days.

December 1, 1913
Charlie Chaplin stars in his first movie 'Keystone Comedies'.

December 13, 1913
The Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece, is recovered two years after it was stolen from the Louvre in Paris.

January 1, 1914
First full-length feature film in colour 'The Word, The Flesh, And The Devil' is produced and shown in London, England.

January 1, 1914
First successful heart surgery, preformed on a dog. Surgery carried out by Dr. Alexis Carrel. This event would lead to the eventual operations performed on humans.

February 13, 1914
A.S.C.A.P. (American Association of Composers Authors and Performers) is established.

May 9, 1914
Hank Snow, Canadian country music singer, guitarist, and songwriter is born.

May 26, 1914
Photographer and journalist Jacob Riis dies. Famous for his work in New York's slums, he strived to end poverty in the city. 'The Tramp' is one of his photographs of the slums.

August 5, 1914
The first electric traffic lights in the world are installed in Cleveland, Ohio.

August 15, 1914
Panama Canal opens and shorten passage from Atlantic-Pacific by many days.

January 1, 1915
Picasso paints 'Harlequin'.

January 1, 1915
Aspirin available for the first time in tablet form. (Produced by Bayer pharmaceuticals in Germany)

January 1, 1915
Albert Einstein publishes his general theory of relativity.

January 25, 1915
Alexander Graham Bell, in New York, and Dr. Thomas A. Watson, in San Francisco, make the first transcontinental telephone call. On June 2, 1875, these same men conducted the first-ever telephone call.

July 4, 1915
Billie Holiday, American jazz singer is born.

December 12, 1915
Frank Sinatra, famed American pop singer and actor is born.

January 1, 1916
The first cartoon in natural colour 'The debut of Thomas Kat' produced by Bray Pictures Corp.

January 1, 1916
Gustav Holst composes his suite 'The Planets'.

January 1, 1916
First blood transfusion using blood that had been stored and cooled. Performed by the R.A.M.C., the procedure was very successful.

January 1, 1916
Impressionist Monet paints 'Water Lilies'.

May 21, 1916
Britain initiates daylight savings time.

August 14, 1916
U.S.A. purchase the Virgin Islands for $25 million from Denmark.

November 22, 1916
Jack London, American novelist, dies at the age of 40. His most famous works included 'Call of the Wild', 'Sea Wolf', and 'White Fang'.

January 10, 1917
Frontiersman and renowned showman William F. Cody, 'Buffalo Bill', dies at the age of 71.

March 17, 1917
Nat 'King' Cole, jazz singer and pianist is born.

November 6, 1917
Lenin leads the October Revolution, setting up a Communist organisation in Russia.

January 1, 1918
Harlow Shapley, an American astronomer, discovers the true dimensions of the Milky Way Galaxy.

July 16, 1918
Czar Nicholas II and his family are assassinated by revolutionaries in Russia

October 31, 1918
The worst epidemic of the century strikes the world. Influenza, an extremely contagious disease, leaves nearly 20 million people dead by 1919.

May 16, 1919
Liberace, famed popular pianist and showman is born.

May 29, 1919
A study of a total eclipse of the sun provides prove Einstein's theory of relativity to be true.

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