Post-War Politics   1946 -1984

     In October 1960, Pearkes was sworn in as Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia, and he and Blytha moved into Government House in Victoria.  The Pearkes's regularly welcomed official visitors and invited local orphaned children to a Christmas party at Government House each year.  George and Blytha also entertained family and friends, including John and his wife Joyce and their two sons, Anthony and Timothy.

     Official visitors included, among others, Premier W.A.C. Bennett, Queen Elizabeth, Field Marshal Montgomery and Prime Minister John Diefenbaker.

Queen Elizabeth
Montgomery and Diefenbaker

Photo:  Premier W.A.C. Bennett
(ACC 83-188 Box 1.5.7)
Image size 49KB

Photo:  Queen Elizabeth
(ACC 83-188 Box 1.5.26)
Image size 42KB

Photo:  Montgomery and
P. M. John Diefenbaker
(ACC 83-188 Box 1.6.24)
Image size 37KB

     Pearkes remained Lt.-Governor until 1968, assisted by the Government House secretary, Commander Gar Dixon, and other staff members.  During those years he kept daily journals, now held in Special Collections, of his activities, both official and personal.

     Pearkes travelled widely around the province, visiting many remote villages and peoples.  In June of 1961 Pearkes visited Clayoquot's Opitsaht village, the Nootka of Friendly Cove, Quatsino, Alert Bay, Bella Coola and Kwakiutl tribes.  In June of 1963, George Pearkes was made an honorary Chief of the Indian band Tsawakaineuk at Kingcome Village (named Na-g-ya-gu: Big Mountain), Quaee Indian Reserve.  The ceremony was presided over by Chief Tom Dawson, aged 83 years, Mr.Stanley Hunt, elected Chief and chairman of the village council, dancers and band members; a ceremonial cloak, apron and red cedar band were presented to George Pearkes (Photos are available in Special Collections, ACC 96-018).  By the end of his tenure he had possibly been to more areas of British Columbia than any other lieutenant-governor before him.

     Lieutenant-Governor George Pearkes was often present for official ceremonies and events, such as the opening of the University of Victoria on July 2, 1963.  In his capacity as Esquimalt-Saanich M.P. and Minister of National Defence, Pearkes secured the Gordon Head army camp and adjacent property from the Federal Government for the future use of Victoria College and the envisaged University.  In 1963 Pearkes laid the cornerstone of the McPherson Library, which currently houses the University of Victoria Archives and Special Collections.  The University of Victoria offers new students the Major-General George Randolph Pearkes Memorial Presidents Entrance Scholarship.  It is apt that this SchoolNet project was undertaken by the same institution that George Pearkes helped to create.  After retiring from Government House in his eightieth year, Pearkes continued to travel about the province, give speeches, and appear at official functions.

     George R. Pearkes has been honoured with many memorials, awards and life-long memberships in recognition of his life accomplishments and service.  The Pearkes name has been memorialized in the Canadian Coast Guard ship George R. Pearkes, George Pearkes Junior Secondary (Coquitlam, B.C.) the Pearkes Community Centre (Saanich, B.C.) and the Major-General G.R. Pearkes Building (PWC. 101 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa).  In 1968 the G.R. Pearkes Centre for Children was erected.  In recognition of the Pearkes' long interest in the welfare of handicapped children, the George R. Pearkes Childrens' Foundation was registered February 26th, 1982, on George Pearkes' 93rd birthday.  He died in Victoria of a stroke on 30 May 1984, and his funeral service was held in Christ Church Cathedral.

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