BERLIN: Although official confirmation of the rumour is lacking certain authoritative sources in the German capital are describing WAR as imminent, between Germany and Poland. In an exclusive interview with Herr Adolf Hitler who in several official quarters is believed to be the new German Chancellor, your reporter learns that "the Reich will be forced to defend itself against Polish atrocities." Your correspondent is now preparing for a quick aeroplane dash to London, to interview the Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin, British Prime Minister to ascertain what the British and French reactions will be to Herr Hitler's history-making announcement. [Further developments in this new unexpected crisis will be published by the "Mike" as its European representative succeeds in smuggling their information past hardboiled censors. (Both Foreign and Kollege.)
LONDON: Our Microscope reporter has just learned definitely that Mr. Baldwin is no longer the British Prime Minister as previously stated. It is reported that Neville Chamberlain, a prominent Birmingham business magnate, is the present Premier. In a statement being issued at this moment by the British Bureau of Information, it is declared that Herr Hitler's speech was "merely a threat by which he hopes to gain Polish concessions". The communique stated further, that Poland "could never be conquered, as Britain and France were strongly behind her." This report has strengthened the optomistic view shared in most responsible quarters.
(The Mike will attempt to continue its ambitious policy of giving its readers an up-to-the-minute survey of the European situation as the reports filter through).
The Microscope, Vol 2 No 5, 1940 (Arc LH3 M29)
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