This Web site is the result of a lot of hard work. This was a youth project meant to give the participants a taste of what the workplace is like. They put in a lot of effort to make it unique and functional, and I think they have succeeded.

In order to show you an end result, here are some of the tasks: historic data needed to be collected and organized, photos of all the existing buildings had to be taken, panoramic photos had to be taken (not easy to get shots with little traffic and no people during daylight hours), new building facades for each building had to be designed, a 3D model had to be made from the facades, corresponding panoramic images had to be rendered from the 3D model, the Web site required design work, and the project itself entailed programming and corresponding with different organizations...and the list goes on.

I was fortunate to have this team and watch them work together. They put in 110% and put up with data loss, virus problems (dooooooh), design changes, etc. It was a real work experience and they all rose to the challenge. I wish them success in their future endeavors.

Anthony Yskes - Project Leader

Anthony Yskes

  • Project Leader
  • Site Layout
  • Architectural Design
  • Research
  • CAD

Jason Jackson

  • Web Programing
  • 3D Model Creation
  • Material Creation

Chris Satterthwaite

  • 3D Model Creation
  • Material Creation

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