Production team


Louise Ladouceur
Offrande de la tribu, 1996

Ambika Gail Rutherford
Point Prim beach, 1999

Lillian Vineberg
Women in Red and Gold, 1993

Grace Gouin
Le feu dans la clairière, 1999


Research and Script-writing

  • Mary Chantell Foss
  • Alice Ming Wai Jim
  • Pham Van Khanh
  • Detlef Stiebeling
  • Susie Tepperman
  • Maria Zimmermann Brendel

Web design

  • Pham Huu Khôi
  • Pham Van Khanh
  • Yu-Wei Yang


  • Asieco Communication


We would like to thank all the artists and following individuals for their kind assistance in the formation of this digitized collection Women Artists in Canada (1996, 2000):

  • Jocelyne Aumont
  • Luce Botella
  • Monique Brunet-Weinmann
  • C International Contemporary Art
  • Guy Deegan
  • Jean Dumont
  • Espace
  • ETC Montreal
  • Jennifer Fisher
  • Jean Gagnon
  • John K. Grande
  • Pierre Jean
  • Bryan Jim
  • Janice Johnson
  • Marie Koehler-Vandergraaf
  • Friedhelm Lach
  • Martine Larocque
  • Loren Lerner
  • David Liss
  • National Gallery of Canada
  • Nguyên Duong Anh
  • Musée d'Art Contemporain de Montréal
  • Guy Parent
  • Pham Huu Khoat
  • Claire Ranger
  • Rice Paper
  • Christine Ross
  • Letia Richardson
  • Lilian Rodriguez
  • Roslyn Rosenfeldt
  • Claude Savary
  • Thérèse St-Gelais
  • Julia K. Steele
  • Will Straw
  • Martine Lise Tayeb
  • V Tape
  • Vie des arts
  • Luz Zapata

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