
Liste des œuvres
Drew Her In, détail
Insensible to Moral Influences
Past the Onset of Turbulence
While I Wait for them to return
The Floodgate of Female Tears
The Path of Least Resistance
The Theorist Needs no Accomplice
Enter the Straight Paths and Intersections of Fear
Even So Perspectives Differed
To Enter the Current
This Quiet Diving
A Reliance on Vague Notions

The Theorist Needs no Accomplice, 1994

Insensible to Moral Influences, 1995

The Path of Least Resistance, 1993

The Floodgate of Female Tears, 1994
To Enter the Current (Not Expecting an Answer), 1993

Formation: 1979 Baccalauréat en arts plastiques, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario.

Carrière : 1994-96 Artiste invitée/conférencière, Départment de film, et arts visuels et dramatiques, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario
1992-96 Enseignante, Faculté des arts, Illustration Program & Art Fundamentals Program, Sheridan College, Oakville, Ontario.

Expositions : 1996 TellTale, Blackwood Gallery, Erindale College, University of Toronto, Ontario
- Face, York Quay Gallery, Harbourfront
Centre, Toronto
- Atelier, Circulaire, Montreal; Station Gallery, Whitby, Ontario
1995 The Four Show, 179 John St., Toronto, Ontario
- Meeting at the Edge, solo, Brock University Centre for the Arts, St. Catharines, Ontario.
1994 , Landscapes and Portraits, Karsh-Masson Gallery, Ottawa.
1993 The Fluid Envelope, solo, Galerie l'autre Equivoque, Ottawa, Ontario
- The Ink Kisses the Paper, Artists Union,
St. Petersburg, Russie
- The Garden Refused, Artist's Gardens, Harbourfront Centre, Toronto
- Print & Drawing Council of Canada, John B. Aird Gallery, Toronto, Ontario
1992 Site, solo, Workscene Gallery, Toronto, Ontario
- Art Bank Collection, Morrow Gallery, Toronto, Ontario
- The Artist and the Printer, Extension Gallery, Toronto, Ontario
- Brucebo Exihibition, Kontstmuseum, Visby, Suède
1991 And Yet Relation Appears, solo, Open Studio, Toronto, Ontario
- Open Studio Printmakers, artists Centre, Shanghai, Chine
1990 Evergreen, Candadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Ontario.
