
Liste des œuvres
Donna, Shirley and Cherry
Vanier College Women Studies Hike

Untitled, 1985
Untitled, 1985
Untitled, 1985

Untitled, 1993
Untitled, 1993

Untitled, 1985

Untitled, 1993

Donna, Shirley and Cherry, 1997
Marion, 1997

Judith Lermer Crawley réside à Montréal et enseigne au Collège Vanier.

Formation : 1967 Maîtrise en littérature anglaise, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario.
1966 Baccalauréat en littérature anglaise, Sir Georges Williams University, Montréal, Québec.

Expositions solos : - 1997 The 50s / La cinquantaine, Mois de la photo à Montréal, Côte St Luc Library, Québec.
- One in five:
Photographer as single mom 1998 L'ESPACE f, Matane, Québec; 1997 Vaste et Vague, Carleton, Québec; 1996 Galerie Séquence, Chicoutimi; Latitude 53, Edmonton; 1995 Anna Leonowens Gallery, Halifax, Nouvelle Écosse; 1993 Mois de la photo, Galerie Vox, Montréal, Québec; 1986 Photo passage, Harbourfront, Toronto, Ontario.
- Giving Birth is Just the Beginning: Women Speak About Mothering: 1986 Harbourfront, Toronto Photographers Workshops, Toronto, Ontario; Steelworkers' Hall, Photographers Union, Hamilton, Ontario; 1985 Eye Photography, San Francisco, USA; Dazibao Photography Gallery, Montréal, Québec.
- You Can't Hug Kids with Nuclear Arms:
1986 The Rooming House Show, Montréal, Québec.

Expositions collectives : 1997-99 Galerie Mistral, Montréal, Québec.
1997 Whirling Dirvishes Mois de la photo à Montréal; Regards du Québec, Montreal, Quebec.
1995 The Feminine Viewpoint, Jacob stores, Montréal, Québec.
1995 Acte photographique, art contemporain, Montreal Sexual Assault Centre, Montréal, Québec.
1994 Alliances: The Family, Canadian Museum of Contempory Photography, Ottawa, Ontario.
1992 Faces of Canada, Toronto, Ontario
1990 Photographs of Children: 150 Years, Winnipeg Art Gallery & others in Canada.
1987-89 Active Process: Artists' Book Presentation House, Vancouver & autres au Canada.
1986 Quebec Women of the Eighties, Powerhouse, Montréal, Québec; La Maison de la Culture, NDG Montréal, Québec; Documentary Photography Photographers Gallery, Saskatoon & autres au Canada.
1985 Family: Tradition/Transition, Katherine E. Nash Gallery, Minnesota, Minneapolis.
1984 Anti-Nuke Show Powerhouse Gallery, Montréal, Québec.
1983 New Women: New Directions, Houston Centre for Contemporary Photography, Texas 1982 Art et féminisme Musée d'art contemporain, Montréal, Québec.

Bourses : 1996 Regards du Québec, Mention Honorable.
1993 Canada Council Project Cost Grant.
1987, 1983 Canada Council, "B" Grants.
1985 Deuxième prix, OVO 2ième Concours de maquettes originales de livres de photographie.

Conférences : 1998 L'ESPACE f, Matane, Québec.
1997 Vaste et Vague, Carleton, Québec.
1996 La Galerie Séquence, Chicoutimi & Latitude 53, Edmonton, Alberta.
1995, 1990 Artiste invitée, Nova scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax.
1989 New Options/Working solutions: A Workshop on Socially Motivared Photography, Boston.
1990 Society for Photographic Education Conferences: Feminist Pedagogy.

Collections : Faces of Canada Archive; Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, Ottawa; Photographers Gallery, Saskatoon; Regards du Québec; Musée de la Civilsation à Québec.
