: 1994
Maîtrise en arts plastiques, (sculpture/dessin), University
of Calgary
- Programme d'échange d'étudiant, Royal College of
1989 Baccalauréat en arts plastiques avec distinction (dessin,
gravure), University of Alberta.
: 1996
Alberta Biennial (juried group exhibition), Edmonton Art Gallery,
Edmonton and Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta.
1996 Born at the U A H, (exposition collective) McMullen
Gallery, University of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta.
1996 Three Chapters in Continuing Stories, (exposition collective)
Triangle Gallery, Calgary, Alberta.
(f)utilities (exposition solo) Harcourt House Gallery, Edmonton,
1995 Two Cities, Latitude 53, Edmonton, Alberta. échange
de jury avec la galerie Optica, Montréal. Québec.
1994 Drawing from Domestic Life (exposition collective et
itinérante), Muttart Art Gallery, Calgary, Alberta.