
List of works
Latvian Flag II / Dievs tava zeme deg
Latvian Flag II / Dievs tava zeme deg, detail
Back to the wall / ...kur tauta lai ietu ?
Back to the wall / ...kur tauta lai ietu ?, detail
Object of Ethnicity
Object of Ethnicity, detail
How to Make a Latvian Shirt
From Folk Art to Fine Art
From Folk Art to Fine Art, detail
Neither Here nor There
Neither Here nor There, detail
Staro svesumu on majam / Re...member
Staro svesumu on majam / Re...member, detail
Corking for Beginners Through Advanced, view 1
Corking for Beginners Through Advanced, view 2
Corking for Beginners Through Advanced, view 2

Back to the wall / ...kur tauta lai ietu ?,

Object of Ethnicity, 1991-1992
Staro svesumu on majam / Re...member,

Corking for Beginners Through Advanced, view 2, 1993
Neither Here nor There,

Vita Plume has been a faculty member in the Fibres Area of the Department of Sculpture, Ceramics and Fibres of Concordia University, Montreal since 1993. She received her Master of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, and she studied Fibres at Sheridan College in Mississauga, Ontario.

She has participated in solo and group exhibitions across Canada, in the U.S. and Europe.

She has received several Canada Council B Grants (1993, 1991) and Travel Grants (1996, 1992, 1990, 1989), as well as scholarships from the Banff Centre for the Arts (1991, 1990), the Artists Union of the U.S.S.R. and the Krisjanis Barons Cultural Award from the Federation of Latvians of the Free World (1986). She has participated as a lecturer at Sismographes, Textiles Symposium (Montreal, 1995), Rugged Connections Weavers' Conference (Sydney, Cape Breton, 1991), Latvian Textile Symposium (Riga, Latvia 1989, 1990).

Her work is represented in several collections including the Nova Scotia Art Bank, the Latvian Cultural Centre, Toronto, the Museum of Decorative Art, Riga, Latvia, the Artists’ Union of the U.S.S.R. and various private collections.
