La Maison de la culture de Dudswell got the educational product of the Collection of Louis-Émile Beauregard off to a start in 2000. It consists of a new avenue which aims to maximize the pedagogical value of the Beauregard Collection. The educational kit is designed for primary school students and the activities happen through three teaching means: the educational outing, the teaching trunk and itinerant animation.

The pupils in the first cycle meet Alphonse, a chatty beggar who tells fantastic stories filled with amazing characters and magical memories.

Mister Hugu  
  • Inquiries about the collection
  • Trip to the past
  • Challenges, discoveries and manipulations
  • Dramatized tales
La Maison de la culture
Pupils of the second cycle meet Mr. Hugu, a farmer of the beautiful period. He initiates them to dramatic art, and they themselves play characters which people the tradition and make the story go the way they want it to.
  • Exploration of characters, by means of an illustrated book and compact disk
  • Creation and presentation of a short dramatic sequence
  • Creating a scenario from a tale and situation
Listen an audio track
All the educational products are only available in french !

While exploring the Trunk of Louis-Émile students learn more about the work of the Estrian sculptor.

The teaching kit
Comic book
Listen an audio track
  • Objects to see and touch
  • A cartoon and a compact disk

Through a CD Rom educational game, " The Time Machine ", students explore the multimedia universe and continue their learning about our heritage.

La machine du temps
Click on the picture to discover!

  • Three modules to visit
  • Several active buttons to press
  • A game module which proposes the resolution of problems, enigmas and amusing video clips !

Through a class visit by an artist/musician who goes through schools as part of the project 'Artists at School', the students live the collective process of a traditional song. Guided by their imaginations, they explore the complete creation of an unedited work.

  • Inspiration and composition
  • Interpretation and recording
Click on picture to
listen their song!
Listen their song
All of the educational products are conceived within the framework of the new school reform, that is to say, through the learning project which favours the independence of the child in its own learning process.